Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Disney Prep

Dressed as Princess Jasmine, Leia Rose makes her own roller coaster out of tinkertoys!!!
This picture is entitled, "I think I married Karin!" and was sent to both Steve Faulkner (Karin's husband) and Nina Walsh (Karin's Mom). Here is the email that accompanied it: The funny thing is, . . . it was BRIAN who told me to send this to you! Ha! Brian actually created a spreadsheet with all of our reservation numbers/times/days/parks/etc. about everything we are going to do at Disney. And I have SUCH a huge memory of Karin and I meeting at PF Changs and her sharing her most recent Disney spreadsheet with me. At the time, I just couldn't believe that someone was making a spreadsheet to carry around Disney! . . . and then my husband did it, and was VERY proud of it! : )
Annie has been trying to get her hands on a scissors whenever humanly possible these days (culminating with her finding my garden scissors and cutting all the blossoms off of my new lantana). Therefore, Annie needed some guided direction. ; ) Our upcoming Disney trip gave us the perfect venue, . . . to today Mamma made up a Disney cutting activity. I just love how Annie opens her mouth to mimic what she would like the scissors to do. : ) Here is the beautiful result of Annie's work:


April said...

Disney Spread Sheet??!!!!!???!!

Does anyone want to take a vote about whether April will ever make herself a Disney spread sheet? :-)

I Love you guys. And I can't wait to see you.


Nina said...

April, when our whole family went for Thanksgiving week 2007, she made a spreadsheet for each of us. It was very handy, so that we knew where they were at all times (they were taking in many timed events which had to be ON schedule), and we knew where and when we were to be to meet up with them for meals. She made all of our breakfast and dinner reservations (with my approval). And if we were late, we heard about it... :\
The Thompson trip must be coming up SOON! :)

April said...


I bet a time table like that would make a Disney trip run very smoothly, with no frustration about not being able to make it to a show or diner reservation on time. It’s a great idea Karen had.

We joke in my family about the fact that I DO NOT have a natural talent at organization. And I also like to tease Brian about things like that, and having a spread sheet catalog of his DVD library ☺ :-)


Nina said...

Brian sounds like a librarian! Of course, I have a listing of our movies!!! But... my kids have stolen a bunch of the old VCRs that they loved, so my list is out of date. Oh! Each VCR has a number! The list categorized what we had, but the number was an "accession number." And, I must confess, I have not added our DVDs, but our total library of DVDs is one shelf!