Sunday, June 28, 2009

A Visit from Kevin & Steve

This weekend we were SO happy to host Kevin & Steve Faulkner! It was just incredible to share the beauty of the mountains with them: drive along the Blue Ridge Parkway, wade in the rivers, ride on the rock slides, view the vast waterfalls, take in the breathtaking views. (Although it really made me laugh that afterwards Steve said he was definitely a "beach" person. Ha!) And, of course, through it all Karin came up fondly many times. In regards to Kevin, I have a very special bond with him not only as Leia's mom but also as a very special friend who he saw in the hospital with his Mom. Ever since that time, I have waited for a call when Kevin visits in order to give him his special hug (as I've spoken about in previous posts). Actually, Kevin and Steve were here a while before the call came, and it was right after (or before?) I snapped the picture above. I opened my arms and said the familiar, "Kevin, I have a very special hug for you. Can you guess who it's from?" Kevin smiled really big and said, "My mom! It's from my MOM!" We hugged for a long time, and then I said, "You know, your Mom is a very special angel and she's watching you right now. Right at this very moment up here in the mountains." Kevin smiled and looked around, "You know, he said, I really think she's hiding behind one of these trees! I wonder if I could see her?!?" I told him that he may not be able to "see" her, but he can certainly know that she is there. : ) Dear Kevin. I have such hope for him! The only time Kevin got really upset while he was here was when Steve purposely showed him the swans that Karin used to have in her bathroom, at which point Kevin started screaming, "Those are OUR swans!!! Why did they take my Mom's swans!?!" as he broke down into hysterical crying. I managed to deflect things by saying, "Wasn't it a nice PRESENT for Karin to give me to remember her by?" Whew! ; ) Quick thinking! ; )

Another thing that absolutely captivated the girls' attention this weekend was Kevin's I-Phone. My girls don't really have anything like this, something that would allow them to choose the music, games, even stories they want to participate in at all times. The only new issue that added to my thoughts about kids and technology this weekend was that, because I-Phones have actual speakers, it suddenly allowed the child to control what everyone else was listening to, . . . which may have been fine if he hadn't have chosen the music from Enchanted that reminds me most of Karin's death.

And another thing Leia Rose got into doing with Kevin this weekend was making "fairies" out of pieces of nature: flower petals, leaves, pine needles. All held together with tape. ; ) Leia Rose: my little project princess!

1 comment:

Nina said...

Oh, no! I didn't know the swan story before!!! I don't remember if he saw me packing up the swan collection for you or not. I thought he did. Surely I didn't just pack them up without telling him, because some were beside the spa tub in the master ensuite where he always bathes now. But you told him the right thing, in fact, the truthful thing! I sent you those swans to remind you of Karin.
What gorgeous pictures!!! You live in a beautiful place.
Thank you for hosting them! :)