Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Snow in OCTOBER!!!

This is what we saw when we got up this morning!!! Snow on the car?!? In the SOUTH?!? On October 28th?!? Oh my gosh!!!
Anyway, we couldn't BELIEVE that it snowed all morning this morning! Just a light now, granted, . . . but it was steady! It's October 28th, for goodness sake! All the folk up here kept commenting that "yep, the Wooly Worms are telling us that it's going to be a snowy winter." Oh my. : ) I looked outside at about noon and, yep, it was still snowing. It wasn't really sticking too much, though. Just on grassy spots & roofs & bridges. (I guess that sign "bridge ices before road" is actually true!

And who could beat THIS image, taken AFTER I picked Leia Rose up from school. I honestly didn't expect to see a snow-topped mountain this fall. ; ) In my opinion, mountains have always been one of the very best signs of the glory of God.


rebekah said...

Hey Noelle. I just caught up on all the posts from the last month. Wow! What a change, it mostly sounds good. i'm sorry the move was so stressful and that I wasn't there any more to help you- I would have loved to! I sure miss you guys! Let's talk soon.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Snow! Ontario hasn't had any snow yet. You can keep it! ha!