Sunday, March 22, 2009

A Bike Path & a Bishop

To our great excitement, Brian found out that the trail that runs by his work is actually a rail-to-trail bike trail!!! It runs 8 miles (4 up, 4 back) and although some of it runs by the road, most of it is just wonderful!!! Today we walked it, but the bike rack is purchased, . . . so that's next!!! Then we went to Mass and got a special treat to see the Bishop of the Diocese of Charlotte! This would have been really great if the Mass hadn't lasted for two hours. In the middle of the homily, the bishop decided to "show our new pastor around the church" . . . beginning with the front door. ("Now here is the door that your parishioners will enter to seek your guidance in regards to spiritual matters and experience the sacraments.") For goodness sake! Still, it was exciting to show the girls the Bishop and to see Father Nick's installment Mass. Annie and I headed outside to diaper change among the daffodils anyway (and we watched everything else through the glass side-door).

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