Saturday, March 7, 2009

Dipping our Toesies in "Waterfall Pool"

Today was such a beautiful 80 degree day that we hiked to Hooker Falls in Dupont State Forest.
First, we started by hiking one of our very own trails because Daddy so avidly requested it. : )
Then we headed towards the falls and were immediately rewarded with the sight of kayakers paddling right off the edge!

I'll admit, though, that THIS was the usual sight at the beginning of our experience: Leia and Annie impressed by the novelty of cold water.

The irony of the day was that we were HOT sitting in the bright sun over there, so it was time for some wading. : ) But whew! The water was COLD!!! We could only stand in it barefoot for only about 10 seconds or so! : ) So here's Leia saying, "It's cooooold!" . . .
Then she found a more apropos spot for dipping.
And here's Annie saying, "It's coooooold!" . . .
Then she found a more apropos spot for dipping. (After this point, all she wanted me to do was to keep letting her "jump" onto the "big rock," wait until it got too cold, and then let her "jump" off.

I just love this picture. Probably one of the last with my sweet little six-year-old's two front teeth intact. : )

But, yes, Annie lost her pants. Ha! She fell down in the water and we took them off to dry. Then she got interested in the snacks, so they became more fascinating than the waterfall! Ha!

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