Sunday, March 8, 2009

Our New Climbing Tree

One thing that we have been missing in our new adventurous yard is a great climbing tree. Well, today Leia and I went on a mission to find one! We did!!! But, you know what? The "climbing tree" has now been dubbed the "storytime tree" because each time we climb it, either Mamma or Daddy tells a story. Leia Rose loved the one I told today. It went something like this: "One day Padme and Anakin went walking in the beautiful woods of Naboo. Padme mentioned that it would be so much fun to find a tree to climb, so Anakin went looking all around until he found an evergreen with branches spaced perfectly so as to make a ladder for them to climb, but as he tried to climb on each branch, it sank to the ground. Then Anakin had an idea, 'I know!' said Anankin, 'I'll get out my light saber and cut off some branches one foot from the trunk, then they won't be so heavy when we climb on them.' So Anakin got out his light saber. [Imagine sound effects.] And trimmed a few branches. Anakin allowed Padme to go up first, but amazingly enough, as Padme stepped on the first branch it made a beautifully unique whistle sound! [Again, sound effects.] Padme looked back at Anakin in surprise! Then, as she stepped on the second branch, the same thing happened, except this time the whistle sound was totally different! Anakin's light saber cuts had activated the whistle mechanism on each branch, revealing that this was, in fact, a rare Naboo whistle tree!!! And the two climbed the harmonious tree with the whistle sounds flitting about them until finally they came to sit on the very topmost branch together. Anakin and Padme held hands, kissed, and were happy to be sitting atop their very special whistle tree in the Star Wars universe." : )

And, later, as Daddy and Mamma were putting up the zipline and needed to forge a path, we found the perfect activity for Leia Rose: hedge clipping! Ha! (I can't even tell you how LONG Leia Rose continued with this. The only time when she became frustrated was when she cut ALL of the branches off and couldn't cut the ones that were too thick!) : )

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