Thursday, March 26, 2009

Leia Loses Her First Top Tooth!

We had been wiggling this sucker for months it seemed! These top teeth are BEARS to get out! The top edge of the tooth was so sharp it would poke her every time it wiggled! And Leia has been such a trooper letting me "try" three or four times a day! Wow! That last "string" holding it was a doosy!!! But tonight I tried "one last time" and we heard a "pop" and there it was in the tissue!!! Leia was SO happy!!! I remember spitting time and time again until the water ran clear when I was little, . . . and it was the same with Leia Rose. She must have swisheled and spit about 50 times! : ) And it was so sweet to hear how Leia Rose now can't say her "Fs" and "Ss" because of that gap. : ) And this ALSO means that there has to be absolutely NO thumb sucking now, . . . or her permanent teeth will be affected. You've probably noticed the band-aids helping her along these weeks. ; ) It's working. Anyway, we ended the day with singing, "All I want for Easter is my two front teeth!" Hee, hee!

And, for the first time, Leia Rose got to use the special tooth fairy pillow that was such a part of my own youth! SO special!!!


Nina said...

I wondered if she had a tooth fairy pillow. I made them for Karin & Greg. Karin's was a red heart with pink floral pocket. Greg's was a blue corduroy square with beige pocket. (all leftover fabric pieces from clothing) Leia's if MUCH prettier! And bigger to hold more money! I just ordered 2 tooth fairy books from amazon for Kevin and a pillow, but the pillow has not arrived yet. Steve said the books are good (I had not read them)
Tell me about the string! Did you really use a string? No way would I ever allow my parents to put a string around my tooth! ha! I had to fall out totally on it own with no assitance from anyone. I can't remember if Karin was brave or not. Wish I could ask her... :(
Anyway, congratulations, Leia! Hope the tooth fairy was very generous! I hope she doesn't lose all 4 front teeth before these two new ones come in!!!

Nina said...

Tell me about the dangling lights on her bed! (forgive my previous typos...)