Monday, March 2, 2009

Surprise Snow Day

Early March turned out to be our biggest snow of the year: four full inches!!! Just enough for some major sledding in our front yard!!! The girls had the most fun sledding when I went with them (which I loved)!!! But I'll admit that it was a bit of a struggle at first when I was trying to "ford a path" for our sled, but once the path was laid, it was a really fun and happy day to remember!!!

Eventually we found a GREAt spot where we would slide into a nice and soft pile of leaves! Perfect!
But I'm afraid Annie still wasn't so sure. . . .

And finally (right before all the snow melted totally away) Annie was brave enough to try it herself!!! : ) And she LOVED it!!!
And what would a snow day be without a ride on our swing?!? (Annie is standing by the "safe tree.") : )

A new activity we added today instead of making a snow man was making a snow fort! : )

And we just HAD to have a snowball fight, too!

"It was a stick. . . . A stick that was just right for smacking a snow-covered tree. Fwump! Down came the snow on top of my head! Plop!"

Then it was time for "Hot, hot, hot, hot choclolate" in front of the fire! : )


April said...

Oh how fun!!

I just can't wait to come visit. I miss you guys so much.


Anonymous said...

So many fun snow experiences! The snow fort blocks look great! I would have loved that as a kid! I always made a mound of snow and then dug a hole in its side - it took FOREVER to complete - several days, even! Your home looks so different than when we were there - more like a winter wonderland! Yay for snow days! Love you all bushels!

Nina said...

Someone has been reading The Snowy Day. ha! Such darling pictures of girls in pink!!! And the snowfort is awesome!!!! I would have loved that too!!! Playing house was my thing! Hummm... why don't I like cleaning house???