Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Cherry Pie Baby

The other day Annie randomly chose a real winner from the library, a book I had never heard of before: Cherry Pie Baby. (It's about a little girl dog who wants a little brother more than anything, so she trades five cherry pies for one.) This book REALLY grew on me, . . . and it wasn't long before I was signing up for a library card so we could check it out. Then Mamma had one of her good ideas: let's make a special project out of it!!! SO, we check out the book, bought a REAL cherry pie, packed a picnic snack of pie and ice cream (not a very good picnic snack if you don't want to be really messy, by the way) and headed to Laurel Park where we parked ourselves in the "mouse house" (the gazebo) and read the book and chomped on some pie! : ) (Well, actually, the girls liked the ice cream even more than the pie. Ha!)

It was a BLAST!


Nina said...

Aaaaahhhhh. How cute is that?!

Sarah said...

That photo of Annie is a real keeper worthy of printing and framing!