Friday, March 6, 2009

Leia's Airplane Day

Today was ALL Leia's idea and I am just SO proud of her amazing imagination! : ) Recently she has become interested in how paper airplanes work, so Leia had an idea that today we could all make our own paper airplane, decorate it, fly it, and see who would win various contests. Great idea, Leia!!! First we made and decorated the planes. We did this on our porch since it was such a nice day. Then we made the ribbons for the prize winners: the prettiest plane, the longest flight, the biggest crash, and the craziest flight. Next we took the planes to "the lighthouse" at Laurel Park where the girls sent them down from the very top! Congratulations to the winners: Leia won for prettiest plane, Perri Pat Pat won for the most amazing flyer, Cherry Chat Chat won for the longest flight, and Mamma won for the biggest crash (a nosedive into the sand). : ) In the meantime, Leia Rose met up with Molly (one of her school friends) and everyone went on the "green bean" tire swing. : ) Then for the utimate prize reward each winner was given a "hot and now" doughnut from Krispy Kreme! (Please note how Annie bit all the sprinkles off her doughnut, and just left the cake, . . . she followed that up by licking all of the sugar off of an apple doughnut. Ha!)

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