Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Little Laundry Helper & Chore Doer

Just had to mention that, apart from all of her usual chores now (which Leia has seven), Leia really enjoys helping me sort and wash laundry. : ) Leia's usual chores are as follows (and they are written on the chalkboards in this way, so she can read them and check them off every day):
  • Vitamins (put out the vitamins for the family)
  • Napkins (put out the napkins for the family dinner)
  • Car (take her jacket, hat, mittens, bookbag out of the car and put them away)
  • Papers (take her HW folder out of her bag, show me her papers, then put them in the box)
  • Homework (do her homework for the day, which often involves lots of handwriting letters)
  • Bed (make her bed)
  • Hamper (put her dirty clothes in the hamper and clean pajamas back in the drawer)

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