Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Our First Bird

We finally got our very first bird to come to our birdfeeder near the house today! What a sweet little tufted titmouse she is! : ) Later I would see a chickadee and a nuthatch as well. Birds seem to be coming out of the woodwork. (It must be spring.) ; ) And I've gotten ambition with gardening orders as well. Cherry tree for the front yard. Three apple trees. Five blackberry bushes. Six blueberry bushes. FIFTY english ivy plants. Now maybe I can stop looking at a dirt slope in our backyard.


Nina said...

Are you SURE you want ivy? It can be a lot of work to keep it cut back. (been there/done that) Maybe a ground cover that isn't a vine?!

Nina said...

Birdfeeders are wonderful!!!! And you are attracting gorgeous birds being in the woods! However, even being next to a highway, I see some amazing birds. Great learning experience for the kids if they pay attention to it.