Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Finkeling Fissel Seed with Fissel Kitty

If there's one thing that's sure it's that Annie is truly a Meyers-Briggs "S" for Sensory in regards to personality type. Annie just loves things with textures (including the floor of McDonalds) and could sit there feeling things for hours. The sandbox is a favorite, but today because of our new bird friends I thought it would be fun for Annie to feel something new: different types of bird seed. I bought regular mixed seed, . . . and then something special for finches: "thistle seed." Annie was so very sweet. She kept saying, "I'm finkeling fissel seed!" And she kept calling the millet "ball seed," because they look like balls. : ) Because the thistle seed is black and a bit shiny, Annie began calling her new black kitty "Fissel Kitty" because her fur looks just like "fissel seed." SO cute!!!

1 comment:

Nina said...

I was excited to potentially see the new kitty!!! Alas... it is stuffed.