Thursday, March 19, 2009

A Special Moment for Leia and I

Today, while Annie was napping, Leia Rose asked if she could go outside by herself. I said yes and started doing my household duties of the day. In the midst of my chores, I decided to check on Leia Rose, and this is what I saw. For some reason, this picture made me sad, . . . Leia forging her own little trail at the top of our dirt slope, sister is napping, no friends in the neighborhood to play with, Mamma is busy inside. It made me think of Heidi and how this was exactly a moment when Leia would have asked her to go out and play. Well, I thought, "That's it. I'm going outside to play!" So I dropped everything and ran outside to play with Leia and we had the best time ever! I have never seen Leia Rose get into such "Mamma Mode" as she did after this day. (She must have felt that this meant I really, really cared about her to leave everything I was doing and just play with her, . . . just Leia and not Annie.) Anyway, it must have been a whole hour that we were swinging on our tree swing doing the spider and just talking and laughing and singing and learning how to use our feet to push ourselves off the tree (with a few mistakes). Ha! And we frolicked among the flowers just watching a lone bumble bee fill its pollen sack in between our sniffs of the sweet flower fragrance. Spring has sprung, . . . and Leia and I shared the new season together. : )

1 comment:

Nina said...

You HAVE to invite Steve and Kevin for a weekend!!! You live in heaven for a kid!