Sunday, March 29, 2009

Newberry Egg Hunt

Another fun surprise of the weekend was a special egg hunt at the park! (Even "Little Cassie" and her brother got to join us!) : )

Leia hunted with the big kids, so she only got three eggs as well. (She was pretty disappointed because she was used to a huge amount like last year from Southern Village.) We had to have a little discussion about being grateful. But Leia's highlight of the day was playing by the "stream" in the runoff from the town. There had been a lot of rain, so the water was rushing pretty fast!
Then the girls got to dye and egg and sticker-it up! : )
Grandpa showed them how to peel an egg, . . .
. . . and then my picky eater tried her very first (and very last) bite of hard boiled egg. Ha! : )

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