Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Resurrection Eggs

A lenten tradition in our house is always to hide, find, and discuss our "Resurrection Eggs" (which is simply a set of 12 eggs that each have a symbol from Jesus's public life). This activity excites both girls SO much, . . . and I think Annie learned more about Jesus than ever before with this fabulous learning tool! The pictures don't do their excitement any justice. : ) We coupled the activity this year with a viewing of Miss Pattycake's Eggs-strava-ganza (because she goes through each Resurrection Egg as well). This was a gift from Karin last year. It was nice to think of her while we watched.
Here is Annie opening the "fear," (or the spear used to pierce Jesus' side). : ) Annie is just adorable when doing this activity. Lots of times she says things like, "it's another donkey in there!" or when we're about to get the first egg, she'll say, "let's go get the donkey!" Ha! One egg has linen in it (to symbolize the fresh linen that the wrapped Jesus in after he died), and almost every time Annie opens that one, she says, "Look! It's a wipe!" Ha! Another famous one of hers is calling the die a "block." Ha!
I just thought this vertical profile picture was really pretty of my little Leia Rose. : )

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