Saturday, August 23, 2008

Candy Party (*sigh*)

Sometimes I think Daddy is a real softy when those puppy dog eyes look up at him, . . . because a few days ago Leia Rose asked Daddy if she could have a candy party, . . . and Daddy promised Leia Rose with a great big "Yes." *sigh* A promise is a promise, I suppose. SO today we had a candy party after lunch at Meadowmont pool. Leia had requested Air Head taffy and Junior Mints (and I offered candy sticks from Mamma Dips, . . . because I felt required to make a contribution). Everything melted while we were at the pool, of course. Ha!
No one was happier than Leia and Annie as they ate their disgustingly-blue-superman-sonic-punch-air-head-taffy. (Yuck!) I'm a big candy fan, but this stuff was really gross. Ha!
And then Leia Rose asked me to take this picture. *sigh* I told her that the next "candy party" would be on Halloween night. Period. (Ha!) ; )

1 comment:

April said...

Monday is my favorite day for reading the blog, because there are built up posts from the weekend that I have yet to read.

I love you.
