Monday, August 11, 2008

Watching Olympic Gymnastics

Today I let Leia Rose stay up late to watch our (Tivoed) USA gymnastics qualification round. Leia has been ALL about gymnastics lately (quite honestly having nothing to do with the Olympics coming up) and doing all sorts of half-baked cartwheels, forward rolls, hand stands, . . . and quite a decent back bend, I might add. Well, she had never seen "real" gymnastics before. Leia was REALLY into it! She watched it for a long time, and then began doing her own. She would always end with her leg in the air like this, looking at us (to make sure we saw her final pose). Ha! She wants to try gymnastics this year (along with ballet). Hmmm, a little girl wanting to start gymnastics right after the Olympic Games. I'm sure no one has ever heard THAT before. Ha! : )

1 comment:

Karin said...

Kevin watched on the Tivo last night too - and we let him stay up late to do it too! ;)