Sunday, August 3, 2008

Pool Day Slide!

We all needed a stress reliever today! (Not to mention that our home was being shown again after lunch.) So first we went to see the "ball machines" after Mass and ate at the UNC hospital cafe there. The girls had a ball watching the machines. I wish I had my camera. And then we came home, put Annie down for an early nap, staged the house, woke Annie up, and then left for the pool. We stayed at the pool all afternoon!
And the biggest accomplishment today was that Leia Rose went down the water slide herself!!!
And her comment when she got to the ladder? "I DID IT!!!"
And Annie spent most of the time at the pool running out and running in, like she always does. Until she discovered the pool toys (which she always seems to do near the end). My favorite part of the day was playing "Ring Around the Rosey" with the whole family, time and time again. : )

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