Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Visiting Bartlett at Kazoom Puppet Theater

Today was an exciting day for Leia (and Annie, too)! We met Kevin & Kien for the Kazoom Puppet Show! Kevin brought his "Gankie" and Leia brought "Purpela." ; )
One of the fun parts of the show is always the "mail." Before the show starts, all the kids put their special drawings (i.e. mail) into Bartlett's mailbox for him to open during the show. It's a highlight for the kids to see their mail opened up by Bartlett himself! (But I think, mostly, it's a time-filler.) As you can see, Annie went along for the mailing, but then got nervous when she was far from Mamma. Then Leia and Kevin sat on the mat with the other children in front while Annie and Kien sat with the Mammas.
And here is the "superstar" of the show: Bartlett!!! His trademark is his funny yellow, feathery hair that he loves to shake and shimmy (and sometimes spit). Today's show was about bubbles & fun in the tub. One of the songs was "There's a Hippo in My Tub" which was REALLY fun and truly captivated Annie!
There is also always a "story" in the show where some of the kids get to dress up as characters. Leia Rose was a mermaid!
And Kien was such a good boys during the show, interested in the songs and in the puppets . . . and in his Mamma! : )
And, of course, Annie had fun too. Especially during the songs that featured puppets! (Unfortunately, that was only about 5 minutes of the entire show. There's always a lot of the sisters, Polly & Ester, talking and figuring out what they're doing, . . . that didn't hold Annie's interest at all of course. The show has always been a tad unorganized. Or perhaps it's just because we're all used to "instant gratification"?)

1 comment:

LauraW said...

Hooray for Bartlett!