Monday, August 18, 2008

Courtesy of Grandpa's Blackberry

While Mamma & Daddy were securing the new hoe, Leia & Annie had a nice day with Grandma & Grandpa at the lake: lots of boating, lots of swimming, lots of fishing, and lots of eating out. : )
They went to the new restaurant on the lake called Spinners, and while they were there a band began to play and a bachelorette party started! Grandma thought it was a hoot how different the girls' personalities were at this point! Leia Rose just sat and covered her ears, . . . while Annie got up and danced with the bridal party! : )
Okay, and I suppose there was a point when both of them were dancing together. : )

Grandma gave Annie lots of Golden Grahams cereal today, and Annie kept saying, "More Cake! More CAKE!" : )

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