Saturday, August 2, 2008

Cute Stories

Just a couple of cute things that have happened lately in regards to Leia. I mentioned to Leia that, with us moving, and with the number of stuffed animals she has, perhaps she should give some to charity. Her response? "Who's Charity?!?" Ha!

And then there was, "Hey Mamma, even though Annie sometimes pushes me away, I'm tenacious about loving her!" I asked her where she learned the word "Tenacious" and she said "Pinky Dinky Doo." *sigh*

And even though I can't seem to capture it on video, I laugh every time Annie says, "Okay! . . . Now! . . ." Because that's just what I say all the time! ; )


Karin said...

Why did you sigh about that? That's amazing that she not only learned the word - but she also used it!!! Wow! Very impressive! :)

Karin said...

BTW, I have a younger cousin named Charity - and we seriously did give Charity my hand-me-downs!!! ;)