Thursday, August 28, 2008

A Day in History

Today was the most exciting day in politics EVER because, just as I was picking Leia Rose up from school, JOHN MCCAIN CHOSE SARAH PALIN AS THE VERY FIRST FEMALE REPUBLICAN VICE PRESIDENTIAL RUNNING MATE!!! I was so excited in the car listening to it all on NPR that I clapped, screamed, . . . and I actually cried. That my daughters are here and able to witness this brought me such joy! And as soon as we returned home, I made them sit in front of the TV to watch despite protests of it being a "Mamma show." Ha! I told them that they will want to say, one day, that they were watching when the very first female Vice President was chosen. Sarah Palin: career woman, mother of five, youngest child with downs syndrome, major pro-life advocate. Hooray!!! And kudos to you, John McCain, for being a TRUE maverick and literally thinking outside the box!!!
And then I changed my proflie picture on Facebook to reveal my self-proclaimed "Proud Palin" face. ; )

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