Saturday, August 9, 2008

Hiding at Wal-Mart

I have been meaning to document this for a REALLY long time: every time we go to Wal-Mart (or any like store) Leia Rose and Annie LOVE to hide behind the paper towels and toilet paper. Those huge shelves just make perfect spots for little girls to hide in.

And then, . . . who needs an aquarium when you have the Wal-Mart pet department! Ha!

And finally, Annie found an ocean of rocking chairs and decided to make a jungle-gym out of it. Who would have ever thought that shopping at Wal-Mart for juice & bibsters could be so fun?!?

1 comment:

Karin said...

Wal-Mart??? FUN????? I avoid that place like the plague, but we went last week & had a nightmare experience!! ;) We are soooo done with Wal-Mart!! ha! I'm glad you guys manage to find some fun there though. ;)

And the pics are very cute!!