Sunday, August 10, 2008

Tooth Fairy Treasure

After Mass this morning, Leia Rose wanted to hurry out to spend her dollar from the Tooth Fairy. Her original plan (and one she wants to repeat for each TF visit) was to buy one "Air Head" taffy piece and safe the rest in her piggy bank to buy a toy after she loses more teeth. WELL, Lowes Foods only sold a pack of SIX taffy pieces. Geesh. It ended up costing $1.06, and I had to give her an extra quarter (and let her keep the change.) She handled the whole transaction herself, and did a great job! : ) It was a fun parking lot conversation trying to explain the inaccuracy of her comment, "Mamma, I ended up with MORE money!" Hard for a little kid to understand that pennies aren't worth much. ; )
And when we got home, this little generous soul wanted to have a "Taffy Party" where she gave each of us a taffy! What a sweety! : )

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