Saturday, August 2, 2008

Piggy Back, Piggy Back

Annie and Leia Rose have become VERY interested in active/running/bumping/carrying kind of play lately. I'm sure this is because they don't have many toys to play with. I LOVE this kind of play! No materialism! Hooray! Of course, it's a lot louder in the house. Ha! ; ) We shared a fun tag session this evening after dinner with Mamma running extra slow. So fun! But the most fun game these days is "Piggy Back, Piggy Back" (followed closely by Horsey Crawl) where Brian helps Leia get Annie on her back, piggy-back style and then they trot around the room with Daddy chanting, "Piggy Back, Piggy Back, Piggy Back, . . ." until Leia falls down! Great fun!

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