Friday, August 1, 2008

While Prepping for the Move . . .

Mamma & Daddy have been running around frantically getting the house ready for sale, talking to realtors, doing small home projects, all the while waiting to hear from PharmAgra in regards to Brian's job. In the meantime, the girls have been taken care of by both their Grandma & their Oma, having lots of fun in the process!
What could be more fun than playing in large-size moving boxes?!? Leia and Annie had a ball together one evening when I set three up on their side (the largest ones I had), and they each had a "house" as well as a "playhouse"! : )

All of Leia's and Annie's toys are in the wardrobe now, in the living room. Many of them are packed away, but to counteract that, I took out absolutely ALL of our travel toys (specifically magnet boards of every theme). The girls had a ball!!!
And one evening, right before bed, I even let Leia Rose have an attic adventure! Leia asked if she could see the attic and, knowing that the home we will most likely move into doesn't have one, this may be her only chance! SO, you know me, we high-tailed it up the ladder so that she could explore.
But, ironically, Leia was afraid! I'm still not sure quite why. : / She kept saying, "I just wanted to look up there, Mamma! I just wanted to look up there!"
And as we started packing knickknacks, there were lots of fun things to play with that the girls are usually not allowed to touch. ; ) Like this antique schoolbell that Great Grandma Betty gave me. Annie loved the sound of its ring!
And I even let Leia Rose sit in her "rose chair," (gasp!) also a gift to her from Great Grandma Betty. This little chair is so special that, for years, it has resided on our self between the first and second story of the family room. But today Leia was allowed to play with it!!!
Until Annie started swinging it around, that is!
After Grandma left, Oma came! Oma had lots of fun with Annie teaching her about shadows!
And Annie created a new game with Oma called "sit." She would come up to Oma numerous times a day and say, "Oma! Oma! . . . Sit!" and then they would simply sit. Afterwards, Annie would always get up and give Oma some love. So cute! : )
And sometimes Mamma got so exhausted from packing and prepping that she just had to collapse on the floor while the girls gave her lots of love! : ) [Ironically, through all of this, we're STILL waiting to hear from PharmAgra that Brian has the job. Anyone reading this, . . . please pray!]

1 comment:

Karin said...

I didn't know the grandmas had been there! How great!

BTW, I have NEVER been in our attic! ;)