Saturday, July 26, 2008

Home Search Results

This might be our next home! It was the last home we looked at on our day in the mountains, and both Brian and I fell in love with it!
And look at the view in the winter! (Actually, there would be a nice view in the summer too, . . . if we just lopped off a few trees in the way. I think we're going to do that.) : )
Here is our second choice (and on some days, it's still my first). This sucker would be a half mil if it were in perfect shape. But as is, well, it needs perhaps $20,000 worth of work, I would guess. New soffit & fascia, new kitchen floor, possible new roof, etc. A home inspector would have a field day! But it is truly a phenomenal home with absolutely everything I wanted, including a main floor with a whole wall of windows . . .
Looking out on this amazing summer view! (Can you imagine what it would be in the winter?!?) But it's at the top of our price range right now. How sad. We'll probably have to let this one go. : (

Today God truly was with us in that Brian's interview went well, and I got lots of answers in regards to the home search. First, I was supposed to look at Pickens, SC . . . but that road is so very windy that I knew I couldn't have Brian drive it every day. With the time I saved, I signed Leia Rose up for the very last kindergarten spot at Immaculata Catholic School. (How lucky was THAT?!?) Then I looked at homes in all the other little towns in between. The first home was the very last one. What a great way to end the day!
Now it's off to meet with our own realtor, list our house, . . . and blog a lot less as a result (I'm sure). ; )

1 comment:

Karin said...

The house is beautiful! :)

Are you really listing your house already??