Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Double Dose of Heidi! : )

Leia Rose has played with Heidi for the last two days!!! : ) Yesterday, we all had a nice playdate over at Heidi's house where the Mammas got to hang out too, . . . this was because it was too rainy to go to the pool. (The only issue here was that the girls played outside after the rain. And Mamma didn't think about it. And Wednesday night, sure enough, there was a huge tick on Leia's head right at the thickest part of her hair! For goodness sake! I was SO upset with myself for not even thinking about it! It's kind of like my brain says, "ticks are only at our house and not at other people's." Um, WRONG. Ticks are always the worst right after a rain.) Anyway, it was sunny on Tuesday, . . . and we went ahead and took a raincheck. The girls had SO much fun at the pool (especially snacking, as you can see), but the best part about it was that Leia had a swim lesson with Kerry, . . . and so they made it a double lesson. Note to self: ALWAYS have my children take swim lessons with a friend!!!! It worked SO well! Leia was excited to learn to swim with Heidi, . . . and Heidi was encouraged by seeing Leia go under the water! What a team! Now, BOTH of them are excited for their next one together, which is on Friday.

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