Saturday, July 12, 2008

Declan's Birthday Party

Today Annie attended the first birthday party that SHE was invited to! (It was LEIA that tagged along today.) : ) Annie's little friend Declan (Jessica's little brother) had a wonderful "Farm Party" today, as evidenced by the absolute cutest invitation I have ever seen for a child's party, . . .
Note to self: Check Pottery Barn Kids before ordering any other birthday party invitations. ; )
They had a kindermusic teacher come to do some of the fun party activities. This reminded me, yet again, that I just HAVE to get Annie and I involved in one of these kind of classes during school this year. I sat with Annie for most of this, but I really did want to get some pictures, so I slowly crept away at a couple of points to take these photos. Annie wasn't quite sure what to do. At first she just sat sucking her thumb, thinking this was all another "show" that her sister was participating in. Ha!
But it wasn't long before she really started participating, albeit a bit behind. Annie is still on the last motion while Leia has moved on to "brushing her teeth." ; )
Look at the girls participating so nicely!
I just love this picture of Leia. Wish it wasn't so blurry. : ( Leia is laughing when one of the children suggested including a tiger in a farm song. : )
Look at the cute farm cupcakes that Hollis made for Declan's party! Each had a little farm animal for the child to take home. Hollis told me that she got this idea from my cupcakes with the ponies on them for Leia's birthday. : )
Annie got a little goose on top of her cupcake. She LOVED that goose, and held it close the rest of the party! : ) (But she wouldn't, for the life of her, lick the frosting of the goose's foot! Ha!)
The only sad thing about this party was, I was standing there watching Annie play with Declan and Leia Rose play with Jessica, . . . two kids the same age as ours whose parents both Brian and I really like. Who, quite possibly, we'll never see again if we move somewhere like Nashville. : ( That just saddened me right in the middle of the party, and I wanted to cry. : (

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