Friday, July 18, 2008

More Berries!

No one was more happy than Annie that Mamma picked more "bee-bees" and blackberries this morning. : ) I was surprised, actually, that Leia Rose didn't want to come with me, . . . but it was probably just as well because it was HOT. ; ) (And I'll just go ahead and say this, . . . perhaps I've already noted it, but my mind isn't all there these days, . . . that considering the amount of blueberries Annie ate, Leia Rose loves to mention how Annie was sure to have an "atorious black poop." Ha! This comes from me changing Annie's diaper a while ago and commenting that she had one of her "notorious black poops" that looks like dried black poster paint. Yuck. I know. It's all about the blueberries.) ; )
And here is Leia Rose, who said, "Mamma, . . . take a picture of my blackberry face!" : )
And then Mamma tried something new: making seedless blackberry jelly! Here is Leia helping separate the seeds from the rest. Whew! That's a long and hard job! But here was her reward: the seed pulp was the exact consistency of poster paint, . . . so I let Leia use some as such! It was fun! She even painted a blackberry in the picture! Ha!

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