Monday, July 7, 2008

Leia's & Annie's Other Lake Activities

What a Fourth of July picture! ; ) Leia's favorite activity at the lake was swimming! : )
We also lit lots of fireworks off of the end of the dock.
And Grandma got Leia Rose these cool little capsules that turned into foam bugs in water! Leia Rose played with these for hours on end! (Grandma said it was the best 50 cents she ever spent.) ; )
And the girls played ball on the porch time and time again. Funny, even though Annie would kick the ball, Annie would never throw the ball back. She insisted on handing the ball to you. Ha! They also created a game where they would sit on the ball and topple over backwards. Fun! : )
Another favorite was the model plane that Leia and Grandpa put together. : ) Once you wound it up, it would really fly! : )
Just lucky I had my camera here. ; ) Another common occurrence at the lake is a trip into town for Brian to pick up some of the local Wal Mart's famous chicken fingers and potato wedges. : ) While he was doing that, Annie and I went exploring. When I wasn't looking, Annie found a hat and felt really proud wearing it! : )
And Leia loved the ski biscuit even when it WASN'T on the water. she would sit on the edge and fall into the middle. Fun!
Possibly even more than swimming, Leia Rose really loved sunbathing on her new dolphin float. (Leia has always loved laying on chairs in the sun, even when she was two! Grandma says that Leia gets that from her.) ; )

And there's always lots of looking out at the lake from the porch. A beautiful view!!!

And when we went into town to feed the cat, . . . Leia was SO excited to see Grandma's garden stones prominently displayed among the flowers! : )

I should also say that, by the end of the trip, I was calling Annie "Terrible Twos" because she was really throwing fits about the smallest of things, not to mention becoming a picky eater and waking up at 6 AM! Yikes! ; )

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