Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Happy (Late) Fourth of July!

Ah, the view from the "safety blanket." ; ) And this is what a firework looks like during the day. Ha! The girls were mesmerized anyway. ; ) You see, we had so many fireworks left after the Fourth, that we thought we would invite a few friends over and set some off so that the littlest ones (who have really early bedtimes) could watch.
Annie got to try her very first sparklers! She wasn't sure what to think! : )
This is Emily and Nathan (in the stroller) from down the block. They came by to share in the fun with their Mamma, Christina.
The favorite of the afternoon was definitely the "smoke balls," mostly because it was the only firework where we allowed the children to run and play in the smoke. : ) They are really vibrant during the day, as well as fun and safe for children to watch!

Even little baby Nathan got a piece of the action! : ) He always looked whenever there was a "pop" or a "whistle." ; )

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