Thursday, July 10, 2008

Oma & Amma (& Elephant?)

Today, right after I changed Annie's diaper this morning, she pointed to her picture board and said, "Oma." Well, this wasn't really a surprise. I know that Annie knows her different extended family units. ; ) BUT, I thought this would be a good time to figure out exactly what she calls each of them. So, we walked on over to the board and Annie pointed to Oma and said "Oma" and then she pointed to Papa and said "Papa" and then she pointed to Grandma and said "Amma" (as in the shortened form of "Gramma") and then she pointed to Grandpa and said "Papa." So, there you go.

What I SHOULD have done was pointed to Aunt Cassie and see if Annie called her "Elephant." This happened time and time again at the lake because Aunti Cassie does a GREAT elephant imitation, and often does it upon seeing Annie for the first time. And it became quite a funny parlor trick to have Annie call Cassie "Elephant" at parties. : )

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