Thursday, July 3, 2008

Tubing News

The first piece of tubing news is the Uncle Alan brought this HUGE tube big enough for a family of four, . . . OUR family of four! And we all took a very tiny & calm snail-pace ride around our cove together. (Annie wasn't sure about this, as you can see. And Leia was thrilled, . . . until the tube planed under the water at the end and we all went into the water. Ha! Fun!) : )

Daddy and Leia had lots of fun on this new tube!

BUT the second piece of tubing news isn't good, I'm afraid. I wasn't aboard when this happened, but supposedly Brian and Alan wanted Grandpa to take them out on a wild run. Well, the run was so wild and with such fast turns that the tube went airborne (which I suspect is what it's actually supposed to do). Both Brian and Alan fell off, but Alan tried to hang on to the tube and really injured his shoulder! Poor Uncle Alan! He spent the day in the emergency room procuring slings and MRI appointments with a suspected "torn rotator cuff," which would require surgery! Uh! And Uncle Alan and Aunt Cassie had a mission trip to Nicaragua planned for later in the month, too!!! Not to mention that tubing is always one of Alan's very favorite things to do on the lake, . . . and to be injured on your very first run! Just a reminder to all of us that, um, we're not as young as we used to be. ; ) But with our safety in mind, we all continued to tube . . .
Leia, of course, went on the ski biscuit a whole bunch by herself, . . .
as well as with Daddy.
And the third piece of big news in regards to tubing: Annie went tubing for the very first time! And at first, it really proved that she was in true "Mamma Mode" when the tube would float away from the boat (with me on it), she would cry. Vice versa, when MAMMA would tube and float away from the boat, she would cry. ; )
But while she was tubing, Annie LOVED it!
Check out her face in this picture!!! : )

1 comment:

Karin said...

How fun!!! :)

So sorry to hear about the accident though!!!