Thursday, July 10, 2008

Annie's First Prayer

This post is twofold. First, look at how Annie folded her hands tonight to say grace!!! It was the very first time she folded her hands to pray, and we were SO proud of her! (And there I was LYING to her by telling her that her pear was actually apple, to try to get her to eat it. Despicable!) Secondly, Annie said her first prayer last night before bed! I always put her in the crib (mostly to keep her contained) for prayer and for a long time now she has been a pro at saying "Pray For Us" when we do a short litany of saints, but tonight after we did the little preface of our prayers (the same one we did when I was a child): "Goodnight Dear Jesus. We love you. Please bless Mamma, Daddy, Leia, Annie, and all our family and friends and teachers. And tonight we ask a special prayer . . ." And I was just about to say my usual these days, "that Daddy will find a job that will mean the most happiness for our family and that Oma and Papa can sell their house" when Annie started to say something!!! Most of it was unintelligible (as many of her long, full sentences can be these days), but it was laced with "sweep" and "cat" which meant that Annie was praying for her blanket and cat!!! So exciting! (Next I suppose we should work on praying for actual living beings. Ha!)

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