Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Sliding & Swimming

Look at Annie's face going down the slide at Meadowmont! Think she's having fun? Heck YEAH!
And just look at this! I can't believe that my little girl who was afraid to put her head under the water last year is really SWIMMING!!! She got jazzed today just because she could tread water! This is what I heard her telling Daddy: "Daddy, you know how I was afraid when I couldn't feel the bottom? Well, I'm not afraid anymore! I was hanging onto the side of the deepest part of the pool, (you know, the part with the big rectangle of water where people swim?), and I swam down and stood on the bottom! It's just that my head was UNDER the water and not OVER the water! Ha! I could still feel the bottom!" And there you go. Just like that. No more fear. And it wasn't anything that anyone could have taught her.

1 comment:

Karin said...

Great picture of Leia swimming!! :)