Friday, July 4, 2008

Forth of July Fireworks!

The town of Newberry, SC has a wonderful and free day of activities every July 4th ending with a spectacular fireworks display! Because of the Longshore's party, we always arrive with only a half-an-hour or so to spare, . . . so Leia Rose high tailed it to the rides and bounce houses, . . . while Annie danced to the music. : ) This picture truly highlights the spirit of the evening and captures, even without motion, the joy of Annie's dancing. : )
And then the fireworks began and, with the assistance of our pre-planned earplugs, the girls LOVED it!!! Neil Diamond's "Coming to America" and the country "Proud to Be an American" played in the background as we all enjoyed the patriotic display. Annie made lots of exclamations of "Oh Boy!!!" and "Oh Wow!" and her ever famous "Yellow! Green!" And when I asked her multiple times during the show, "Annie, do you like the fireworks?" She replied, "I LIKE!" Ha! : ) And as for Leia, she summed it all up by her first comment, "Mamma! This is a dream come true!" : )

And just LOOK at this fabulous picture of our family at the fireworks this year! : ) Leia Rose is planning to send this picture to her friend Yukino, in Japan, . . . so you know I just HAD to take a picture for posterity! : )

1 comment:

Karin said...

How sweet!!!! :)