Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Job Update: An RTP Possibility?!?

Today Brian got a call out of the blue from Stiefel Laboratories, Inc. which is a company that deals in dermatological medicines, . . . that's located ONE MINUTE AWAY from where Brian used to work in RTP!!! Brian has a phone interview right away tomorrow morning! Wow!!! Oh, how things can turn around, huh? (Of course, keep in mind that Brian doesn't yet have a single job offer. So we're still waiting for God to work His Will here.)

Anyway, I thought this might be a good evening to spend some more time in front of the Blessed Sacrament, so I went to Church and did so. It's always a special feeling to kneel, alone, in front of Our Lord Jesus Christ. As I prayed the Rosary (and I have consistently been saying the "Joyful Mysteries" because that is what I always pray for, that God will give Brian a job that will bring the most happiness to our family), I realized that each Joyful Mystery had to do with the Holy Family MOVING!!! First, "The Annunciation" has to do with Mary getting the call for these journeys, . . . to become Jesus' mother, which she accepts readily and with great faith (even though it must have been a great hardship to explain this miraculous conception). Second, "The Visitation" has to do with Mary traveling a long way via donkey to visit her cousin Elizabeth, . . . while everyone wondered why. Third, "The Nativity" of course happened after Mary and Joseph made the perilous journey to Bethlehem, far from their home. Next, "The Presentation in the Temple" where the Holy Family traveled to the temple to offer Jesus to God, similar to our Baptism today. And finally, "The Finding in the Temple" had FOUR journeys in it: a long journey to Jerusalem (where Jesus was to give in his "lamb without blemish"), then a journey halfway back until Mary and Joseph realized that Jesus wasn't with them, then a journey BACK to Jerusalem to reclaim Jesus who was simply spending some time ministering & learning "in My Father's house" and then the journey back to Nazareth. Thus, I concluded that perhaps this cross, although it IS a cross, is a way for our Lord to bring our little family closer to the Holy Family.

Then I spent some time just sitting in the sanctuary listening. We do so much talking to God, . . . sometimes we just need to be still and listen sometimes. So I felt called to pray before the statue of the Holy Family in the corner of the Church, light two candles, and then pray the Stations of the Cross.

All of these things gave me great peace of mind. In a way, I feel that we have passed the "test" of faith that God has presented to us here. We now seem to be willing to accept whatever God's will may be for us: to stay or to move. Perhaps that was His whole point with this cross. Regardless, we shall see His plan in due time.

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