Sunday, July 13, 2008


Today, after Mass, we brought MollyLucille home to be a "Mamma's Helper" for a while in order to prepare the girls for Mamma & Daddy's big John Williams concert. (MollyLucille will be babysitting for the girls for the afternoon into the wee small hours of the morning next Sunday.) MollyLucille got to change her very first poopie diaper on Annie today! Luckily Annie made two poops! One was an instructional change, . . . and the second was a Mollylucille change. ; ) I think MollyLucille was surprised at how STRONG Annie can be with her legs while she's being changed. ; )
And you KNOW the girls had to show MollyLucille the stomp rocket. ; )
And the girls spent lots of time playing "Lucky Ducks" as well. The only problem today was that Annie was tired after being woken up for Mass, as usual. So she was in full "Mamma Mode." ; ) But seeing I was in the house, I didn't mind Annie trying to find me periodically. And by the end, Annie was calling MollyLucille, "Seal."

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