Friday, July 11, 2008

Visiting Kien

Today Annie and Leia Rose met Kien Faulkner for the very first time since he came home from Vietnam!
Look at that sweet boy & happy Mamma! The exciting Kien moment of the day was when I got a video of Kien signing and saying Mamma! The other funny thing was that Kien kept coming over and sitting on my knee, as if it were a chair. Ha!
At one point, Kien wanted to share his "Wiggles" show with us, so we all danced! Annie LOVED doing this with Kien! They both seemed to be really into doing the motions!
And, of course, there was lots of fun play with Kevin!!! Leia Rose LOVES to play rough with Kevin, . . . up to a point. And then suddenly she needs her space. (What a GIRL, huh?) Ha! As long as she gets a break (with Kevin is sometimes & sometimes not willing to give) she's ready for rough play again! . . .
This time it was being rough and tumble on Kevin's really cool castle bed (which even has a slide)!!! Look at this cool clubhouse underneath! Leia and Kevin had a great time peeking out at us. And even Annie had fun climbing the ladder, going across the bed, and sliding down the slide. She's a ladder expert now!
We were also treated to a pizza lunch with the boys!!! And Leia Rose was really excited to see that James, the really chubby cat (who is my favorite cat in the world, by the way), perched on top of the chairs in order to watch so closely. (He doesn't usually do that, I understand.)

1 comment:

Karin said...

You got some great pics! Thanks!! :)