Friday, July 18, 2008

John Denver Speaks to Me . . .

God is finding such mysterious way to speak to me in my sadness about (most likely) leaving Chapel Hill. Of course there was Leia’s comment of “change is good.” And then there was the afternoon that I felt like the late John Denver was speaking to me, . . . and I felt like it might be the words of God:

Follow me where I go what I do and who I know
Make it part of you to be a part of me
Follow me up and down all the way and all around
Take my hand and say you’ll follow me

You see I’d like to share my life with you
And show you things I’ve seen
Places that I’m going to places where I’ve been
To have you there beside me and never be alone
And all the time that you’re with me
We will be at home

Follow me where I go what I do and who I know
Make it part of you to be a part of me
Follow me up and down all the way
Take my hand and I will follow you

and then . . .

So you speak to me of sadness
And the coming of the winter
Fear that is within you now
It seems to never end
And the dreams that have escaped you
And the hope that you've forgotten
You tell me that you need me now
You want to be my friend
And you wonder where we're going
Where's the rhyme and where's the reason
And it's you cannot accept
It is here we must begin
To seek the wisdom of the children
And the graceful way of flowers in the wind
For the children and the flowers
Are my sisters and my brothers
Their laughter and their loveliness
Could clear a cloudy day
Like the music of the mountains
And the colors of the rainbow
They're a promise of the future
And a blessing for today

. . . Come and stand beside us
We can find a better way

Ironically, the first song called “Follow Me” was one that we used to sing at Mass a lot while I was growing up. I never realized how well it fit! : ) And the second one called “Rhymes & Reasons” I have read quite a few places now that it was actually John Denver’s favorite of his songs, . . . even though he always felt somewhat sad that most people never requested it at concerts. Anyway, I always liked the song, but I always wondered in what context it could be put. I guess I have my answer. And, of course, I cried.

1 comment:

LauraW said...

2 of our favs, too, of course!