Sunday, July 13, 2008


Today, the mantra to Annie was in the form of a question: "Annie, who are we going to go worship today?" And Annie at first responded, "Yellow!" "Yellow?!? Ha! No, Annie. We're not going to worship Yellow, we're going to worship JESUS." "Annie, who are we going to worship today?" And second Annie responded, "Cake!" "Cake?!? Ha! No, Annie. We're not going to worship Cake. We're going to worship JESUS." Then later it was, "Annie, who are we going to worship today?" And thirdly Annie responded, "Baa, Baa, Black Sheep!" " Baa, Baa, Black Sheep?!? Ha! No, Annie. We're not going to worship Baa, Baa, Black Sheep. We're going to worship JESUS." And finally, at dinner time it was, "Annie, who are we going to worship today?" And Annie FINALLY said, "Jee-Jee." ("Jesus") Whew! ; )

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