Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Special Times Just with Annie

With school out this summer, special times with only Annie are a precious few these days. Our days are usually full of love and laughter, . . . and Leia. ; ) So when Leia Rose took her special few-day trip to Grandma's house, Annie and I had some fun experiences all to ourselves. Annie and I spotted the very first tiger swallowtail butterfly of the year today right on our lantanta!
And we had a sing-along with my guitar where ANNIE strummed along for the very first time to "Jesus Loves Me." (This was an impromptu thing, as all of these were, because Annie has really taken to going over to my guitar stand and strumming. So I thought she might like this activity. She did.) : )
Seeing how much Annie likes to play "peek," here's our newest version. We used this little play compact mirror to play! I would say "Where's Mamma?" and then position the mirror as if "searching" until it rested on my face (where I could see Annie's) and say "Peek!" at which point Annie would laugh and laugh!

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