Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Penny Wishes +

We had a million things going on with the sale of our house today (i.e. virtual tour video being shot & every realtor in the area coming to view it), so we promptly got out of there. A perfect time to visit the Southpointe fountains. The girls made lots of wishes (and this time, our finances are such that we made sure to give them ONLY pennies). The general wish was, "Please help us sell our home." But Leia Rose saved her last wish for, "Please let me go back to the dinosaur museum." Of course. : ) I love how you can actually SEE Annie's penny being dropped in this picture. : )
"HIGH!!!!" Annie says (and Leia, too) as the girls watch the center of the fountain go way up in the sky! : ) It's so fun to watch these programmed fountains and their different formations!
Eventually, the girls found the only two little spots of shade on the whole fountain edge. : ) They stayed in this position for quite a while. These fountains are mesmerizing!
Annie ditched her own water in lieu of Mamma's banana smoothie from Marble Slab Creamery. Ha!
And here are the girls resting on the top of the big whistle on the Southpointe playground.
And BTW, Karin, this is called The-Poor-Man's-Double-Stroller. Ha! ; )
Also, just to show how flustered and anxious I am these days, we had a planned swim lesson today. I even had Leia's towel and suit in the back of the car. I even had her hair done for swimming. And I STILL forgot to go. : ( I'm just not myself these days. : (

1 comment:

Karin said...

ha! :) That's funny about the double stroller!