Thursday, August 7, 2008

"Mamma! Watch THIS!!!"

Today I spent a half an hour with Annie running to me and saying, really loudly, "Mamma! Watch THIS!!!" or it sounded more like, "Mamma! Atch DIH!!!" ; ) She would say it and say it and say it until I said, "Okay! I'll watch this!!!" Here is what always followed (again and again and again and again):
After I acknowledged her, and promised to watch, she would happily run to the rug in the family room . . .
. . . and do this. ; ) Which we immediately dubbed a "curly cue." ; )
But doesn't it look JUST like what Leia Rose would do when she would say, "Look Mamma! I can do ballet!!!"

And then, of course Annie would purposely fall down (only to start over again)! What a fun game with no materialism at all!!! : )

I couldn't post the whole thing because it was too long, but here is the "Watch This!" part. : )

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I can't believe how much Annie looks like Leia in these photos! What cute girls!