Friday, March 13, 2009

Aladdin Mania

Today was such an unexpected surprise and cause of joy for all of us!!! Today I thought it would be a good idea to have a family movie night, and I asked Leia Rose to choose a movie that would be good for all of us to see (but that Annie and Leia hadn't seen yet). Leia chose Aladdin! That was a GREAT choice! Annie danced at every song, . . . . and I have NEVER seen Leia Rose laugh so hard at humor than that of the Genie in this movie! BOY, did she like Robin William's style!!! I don't know why Leia's love of this kind of humor surprised me so much, . . . it just did. Leia's favorite jokes? Well, she will happily repeat as many of them as she can remember if you ask her, but, as for favorites: "Your very own, brand new camel! . . . watch out, they spit!" and "The exits are here, here, here, here, here, here, here, anywhere!" and "That's a good move! I can't believe it, I'm losing to a rug." and "I work for senor psychopath now." and "One, two, three. Uno, dos, tres." She laughs hysterically after reapeating each line. It's the only movie she request more than Star Wars / Clone Wars. IN FACT, I actually had trouble with Leia Rose at Mass this week because she would suddenly start laughing at random parts of the service (thinking of the Genie in Aladdin). And, guess what, Jasmine has official become Leia's favorite princess.

And as for Annie, it was just so cute to see her get into the humor, too. Whenever Leia Rose would repeat, "Your very own, brand new camel! . . . watch out, they spit! Pppttt!" hahahaha! Annie would say, "Brand new camels say, pppttt, pppttt, pppttt!" Ha!

And it wasn't long before we found some evidence of Jasmine both on Leia's door and on Leia's bedside table in the form of "Jasmine Jewels." : )

1 comment:

Sarah said...

In this post and all the previous ones it is so nice to see so many smiles and so much laughter! It seems that you are all so settled and happy in your new life. What joy this Spring is bringing to your home. Love you!