Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Annie Writes a Song?!?

This morning, in between bites on my whisk, Annie made up her own song!!! She took the tune to "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" and created a song called "Mamma, Dadda" with it!!! I am in total awe of Annie in regards to music! She sings ALL THE TIME, and I LOVE that!!! I remember suddenly looking at Leia Rose in the rearview when she was 2 1/2 and wondering when the heck she was going to start singing. But Leia's not a musical girl, she's a Star Wars and Dinosaur girl. Annie has been singing since she was 18 months, beginning with E-I-E-I-O. : ) And I'm so glad that I have one child to share my love of Star Wars & Indiana Jones and one child to share my love of Sound of Music and Mary Poppins (not to mention Alieen Quinn's Annie)! What a great combo! Thanks again, God! : )

Most of the time she started with "Mamma" but this was the best video, even if it is vice-versa. : )


Karin said...

Sooo sweet!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Cute! Don't forget that Leia is a prima donna ballerina!!!!