Saturday, August 9, 2008

Leia Rose Loses Her First Tooth!

Today, right while we were watching Olympic Cycling, I suddenly decided to ask Leia Rose about her loose tooth. When she opened her mouth, it was sticking way out front, and when I wiggled it, I said, "Leia! I think if we worked on that, you could get it out!" Of course, Leia shied away, . . . she has recently been saying that she was the kind of kid who would just wiggle it gently until it fell out. Well, as soon as she shied away from me, she grabbed the tooth and started REALLY moving it back and forth, and then twisting it. Then I called to Brian (who was upstairs at the time), but I was too late, . . . suddenly Leia Rose had her first tooth in her hand!!! What a milestone!!!

Leia was fascinated with the tooth. Especially with the little "peg" at the bottom of it. ; ) This tooth looked so strange to me, it literally has a little cup on the bottom of it where it was attached. We thought this is what she meant when we asked Leia Rose how she pulled it out. She continually says, "I did it with the peg" or "The peg did it!"
For the longest time, Brian and I thought Leia's peg comment had to do with the bottom of the tooth. But NO, the next day she would tell us, "NO Mamma! It's because when we had that peg board, I was trying to get a peg tower apart and used my teeth. I pulled too hard, and so my tooth came loose! So, THE PEG DID IT!!!"
And, of course, Leia was VERY proud to show her sister as soon as Annie woke up from her nap! : ) The only sad part of the day was that I really didn't expect this tooth to come out before we moved, so I had already packed up my special "Tooth Fairy Pillow." We put her little tooth right under her pillow tonight and something tells me that the Tooth Fairy (who Leia is still convinced lives at her dentist's office) is going to pay a visit tonight. When asked what the Tooth Fairy will bring, Leia Rose always says, "a coin, . . . or a toy." ; ) And it was so sweet this evening when putting Leia Rose to bed. She was so excited that she didn't even want any dancing or books, . . . she just wanted me to snuggle with her and talk about the Tooth Fairy. She had two main questions: 1. "How is the Tooth Fairy going to get a coin under my pillow without me waking up?!?" and 2. "How does the Tooth Fairy get into the house?" And here is the real answer to both questions: "She's magical." ; ) But in regards to the second question, Leia Rose said, "Well, I suppose she wouldn't break a window to get in. Ha, . . . HA!!!" ; ) I told her that if there was a broken window in her room tomorrow morning, Mamma would be REALLY mad. ; ) And I left the room with Leia Rose vowing to wait up for the Tooth Fairy. "Call me when you see her, Leia!" I said, "Because I want to meet her, too!" Then, when I went down to Brian, we had our own discussion about what the Tooth Fairy "might" bring. I thought she would probably bring a quarter and then double the amount with each tooth lost. But Brian thought she would probably bring FOUR quarters, at least enough buy a candy bar, and perhaps encourage Leia to save the rest for a big toy later in the tooth-losing process (possibly upping the amount by a dollar each time). Daddy was right. ; ) [But something tells me that the Tooth Fairy had a REALLY hard time finding the tooth that Leia put under her pillow, and actually became quite frantic with a flashlight, because it wound up directly under Leia Rose as she slept. Thank goodness the Tooth Fairy is magical! : ) ]


Emily Anderson said...

Congratulations Leia! Did you see the tooth fairy? Heidi is very impressed that you lost a tooth. I think this officially makes you a "big girl" now! How exciting!

Karin said...

How cool!!! :) And good job, tooth fairy!!! (and I'm impressed with how generous the tooth fairy plans on being! inflation even affects teeth!)