Monday, June 25, 2007

At the Pool

Today was the first time ever that I tried taking both girls to the pool myself. And, you know, it worked out fine! Here are the girls playing "shark, shark, who's got the shark!"

For quite a while Annie was interested in these little dive balls that I originally purchased for Leia to retrieve.

And here is Leia in her element: playing with "toys" on the side of the pool. *sigh* I've tried to break her of this habit for years (mostly because there are other kids at the pool and she spends most of her time defending her territory), but it's still her favorite thing.

Annie had two favorite games today. One was sitting on the side and "jumping" to me into the water. The other was playing catch with this purple ball on top of the water. I'm happy to say Annie only fell over backwards once!

I had to do lots of planning to try and make this run smoothly. We decided to get ready while Annie had her first nap. After she woke up, we would eat lunch, go to the pool, use the joovy stroller to cart everything in, play in the pool, have snack, play in the pool, leave in our wet suits, come home, put all pool clothes/towels in the washer, and put Annie down for her second nap. I was a little bit worried about managing two little ones in the pool, but the new rules worked well: 1. Leia has to have her life jacket on at all times. 2. We all have to be together in the same pool. 3. No splashing Annie in the face. The only glitch was that I got far too mad at Leia for leaving her (very needed) sunglasses in the car. When we went back to get them, I noticed that I had left the camera in the car too. Like mother, like daughter.


Karin said...

I'm impressed that you managed it! :) And I can totally relate to the "getting too mad" part. ;)

Lauren said...

They are so adorable together! it sounds like you were worried for nothin! im sure things will go smoothly all the time.. they are very well behaved.. even when they forget thier things LOL